Nostalgia or familiarity?
A wide grin stuck on my face. My eyes twinkled. My pace fastened. I was meeting my father after 35 days. The sight of him alone was enough to make me feel at home. We chatted about random things and experiences, initial feelings and the latter ones and my transcendence from living in a protected environment to living in an independent one. A three hour road trip and fourteen hour train journey later, I was finally in the city that had always been my home. When my first trip back to my city had been confirmed, I had gone over the whole journey in my head; and I had then imagined to be filled with nostalgia as I moved through the city. But the reality quite surprised me. Instead of feeling like a guest in my city, I felt very much at home. Instead of being pricked with nostalgia, I was met with familiarity. It felt as though I had never left my city. My home did actually feel like home and it was then that I realised that some peo...