Who are we fighting, really?

White, black, brown, dusky, bronze-coloured--yes, those are skin tones. Only skin tones. Nothing more than a mere colour.
Yet, they dictate our opinions. They dictate our behaviour. They dictate our motives. 
A turban wrapped around a man's head, a cross hanging from a woman's neck, red threads adorning a boy's wrist, a head scarf wrapped around a girl's head--put on any of those and get ready to be labelled as anything else but a human. 
Today, if you make two individuals stand side by side and ask them,"How are you different from each other?", you are most
likely to get a reply involving comparison on the basis of physical appearance, colour, religion and nationality. Nothing too significant-it seems. But then, these little points of comparison take on us individuals as the basis to get into fights and wars. How trivial it seems when a little kid uses slangs to insult his/her healthy or darker friend or when he/she crushes their friend's beliefs through a joke. And we dismiss these happenings as a child's play...until, these same individuals as grown ups build up plans dictated by these same ideals and which have catastrophic effects.
We wonder all the time, why do we have wars? Why did we have wars? Why are people still so intent on fighting? Why does the slightest provocation get us out with weapons in our hands and deadly motives in our heart? When we kill, can't we see that it could have been our brother/ sister/mother/father instead, if only they'd been born in a different place! Of course we don't. We are blinded by false beliefs and baseless hatred.  Adorning that tough rugged look on our faces and fury in our eyes, what do we want to prove? Our cannibalism, our courage, or righteousness?
I believe that each one of us comprehends other people's ability to react in exactly the same way as he/she comprehends it himself/herself. Given a situation, I would never, or could never react the same way and hence these questions. I fail to comprehend why people want all of the things I've questioned above. I fail to understand who and what they are fighting against! Do you have an answer?


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